
【稚魚の会・歌舞伎会合同公演 The Collaborative Performance by Chigyo-no-kai & Kabuki-kai】日本語字幕、英語イヤホンガイドサービス実施 Japanese captioning service and English Audio Guide are available


8月15日~18日におこなわれる「第30回 稚魚の会・歌舞伎会合同公演」では、日本語字幕(バリアフリー対応)と、英語イヤホンガイドをご利用いただけます。この機会にぜひ歌舞伎観劇にお越しください。

【Japanese captioning service (for the hearing impaired) and English Audio Guide】

Japanese captioning service (for the hearing impaired) and English Audio Guide are available for Kabuki Performance by Young Performers ‘The 30th Collaborative Performance by Chigyo-no-kai & Kabuki-kai’ which will be held from 15th to 18th August in Asakusa Public Hall.
Please take this opportunity to come to see kabuki.

☆音声ガイド/字幕ガイドアプリ EG-G


Install EG-G, the specialized application for smart phone, and your smart phone functions as the guiding device. Both Audio Guide and captioning service are free of charge at this performance.
※Please set your smart phone to airplane mode etc., so that it neither receives radio wave, makes sound nor vibrates, in the auditorium.

●アプリのインストールはこちら(Install link for APP)

Google Play(クリックorタッチしてください click or touch)
App Store(クリックorタッチしてください click or touch)

☆アプリご利用方法 How to use (subtitle* and audio guide)

*subtitle is available only in Japanese at Asakusa Public Hall on 15th and 16th August.



※cautions when using the EG-G※

Set your smart phone to airplane mode in the auditorium.
This application starts guiding when the microphone of your smart phone catches the sound, so do not cover the microphone and allow using it in setting the application.
You need your smart phone and earphone (or Bluetooth earphone).
Charge your smart phone enough before using the application.
In using the application at the theatre, please take care of that the brightness of the screen and sound leaking out of your smart phone so as not to disturb the audience.
Internet access charge for downloading the application, its updating etc., is at your own expense.


■There will be a help desk for using the EG-G application at the Asakusa Public Hall on the day of your theatre going. Please ask the staff if you don’t know how to use it.

★アプリについてのアンケート Please share your opinions to improve our service.【The Questionnaire】

